Identify IAB categories using AI

Below is a free classifier to identify IAB categories. Just input your text, and our AI will predict which category it is - in just seconds.

IAB categories identifier

How this classifier works

To start, input the text that you'd like analyzed. Our AI tool will then predict which category it is.

This pretrained text model uses the Nyckel-created IAB dataset and is built with 24204 samples across 26 labels, including AcademicInterests, ArtsAndCulture, Automotives, and 23 other labels.

We'll also show a confidence score (the higher the number, the more confident the AI model is of which category it is).

Whether you’re a tech-minded ad tech lover, just curious, or building IAB categories detection into your application, we hope our classifier proves helpful.

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Need to identify IAB categories at scale?

Get API or Zapier access to this classifier for free. It's perfect for:

  • Ads Networks: Automate ad targeting by classifying website content into relevant IAB categories.

  • Content Management Systems: Assist publishers in categorizing their content to attract appropriate advertisers.

  • SEO Marketing Agencies: Optimize content strategy by identifying IAB categories within industry-specific content.

  • Media Portals: Streamline content categorization to improve the user experience and sell higher-value ads.

  • E-commerce Platforms: Classify product listings and descriptions according to IAB categories for better ad placements.

  • Market Research Firms: Analyze and report on content trends across various industries using IAB category data.

  • Social Media Platforms: Improve content discovery and advertadisement matching by categorizing user-generated content.

Want this classifier for your business?

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